Thursday, September 25, 2008

Snippets of Recent Thoughts

Super villains tend to monologue and blame everyone else for their situation. Super heroes analyze the situation, state their goals, then keep their mouths shut and bring the smackdown. Which one will you be today?

My dreams (in the goals sense of the word) have a home of their own within my Imagination, and exist in the same way the worlds in my books exist (they live next door). They are calming and soothing to me. Now that someone has suggested that I can actually attain my dreams, they've moved out of that house into the neighborhood of Possible, and I have an empty house in Imagination to sell. It's very lonely.

Words have power over emotion. I woke up this morning and thought, "Hey, it's kind of windy." I've thought that many mornings; it was often windy in Rochester. A high-wind day there brought gusts around 40 or 50 mph, and the worst I remember was 80mph. It was a Very Windy Day, but we all went to work and toddled along in our lives just fine. But today, our rip-roaring 27mph wind gusts have the title Tropical Depression, heading towards Tropical Cyclonic Activity, and the next thing you know, we'll be giving it a name like Kyle or Lucy. 27mph winds are nothing, but give them a name, and there's fear.

I have been momentarily thwarted by tortillas.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


You have a gift! I really enjoy reading your blog profile. You are a very interesting person. I wish there were more people like you where I live. I don't know anyone here in Tennessee that is as interesting and insightful as you. I hope we can continue a friendship long after our experience at Walden University. Reading your blogs bring a sense of peace on me. I'm going through a lot right now in my own life, that I need a way to express some of it. Blogging seems to be a good way to do that. I'm not near as interesting with words as you are though. But I'll give it a try! I'll check back on your blog profile for an update.

Nancy Pittman

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