Friday, September 19, 2008

No such thing as average

Aside from waking up late and running out of the house without breakfast, this morning was wonderful. Beautiful upper 70s day, sunshine, breeze, drive-with-the-windows-down-and-music-blaring kind of day. Fantastic. Had a great Bible Study, talked to lots of friends, made a NEW friend (more on her later), had food and cat snuggles on the porch, finished and submitted a paper, finished reading my SOC...

And then the post-dinner part of the day arrived. I took my SOC quiz, and got two answers wrong, which I had initially gotten right and then double checked and second-guessed myself. Then I thought, "You know... something's nagging me about my paper. Maybe I should check the assignment again." Yep. I did the assignment (which I've already submitted) from the wrong direction, not actually fulfilling the assignment requirements. It's a good paper, and I asked the prof to look it over in hopes that she'll like it enough to keep it, but I may have to re-write it. I haven't got time to re-write it.

So, with many head-beatings and suppressed tears (cuz it's been that kind of term) I threw up my hands, said SCREW IT ALL and went to take a shower.

Where I cried a little, rubbed my eyes with conditioner-laden hands and thus cried a LOT more, and then promptly cut my underarm while I shaved.

I'm done now. Really.

And just broke my mouse on the floor. Again.

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