Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Disturbing dreams...

I suppose I could attribute it to generalized stress, but I've felt more stressed out than this before, and didn't have such graphic dreams. I'm not going to give specific details, mostly because I don't want to relive them, but I remember pretty much every freaky detail. Suffice it to say in the last month or so I've been through people burning alive, family members gone missing during explosions, pets happily feasting on their own innards, being kidnapped by cults and cut off from the world, missing (as in looking for them and they're not where they're supposed to be) or being betrayed by friends, and various bodily injuries ending in certain death (though I wake up before the death part). Poison's been a favorite. I'm pretty sure there were plane crashes in there too. And there've been at least three dreams of me trying to get home and something bad happens in transit.

I'm starting to want to not go to sleep anymore. I'm just glad I don't have insomnia and still get tired enough to sleep anyway.

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