Friday, November 14, 2008

Battle Grapefruit

Having just reigned victorious in the battle against my lunch grapefruit (Blinding Squirt, natural weapon, +2 damage against diners; vs. Sharpened Spoon, +3 damage against grapefruits, bonus for Opposable Thumbs), I was again reminded that grapefruit are one of those foods for which most people hold strong opinion in one direction or the other.

So I hereby put it to my few, though highly important, readers:

Grapefruit: Yea or Nay?

Also, Pink/Red or Yellow/White?

Finally, Why?


Anonymous said...

Yuck. *makes face*

I've no moral objection to them, though, if you want to eat one, feel free. ;)

John Hupp said...

Yes, though I only really eat them at diners. If I buy them at the grocery store, they just sit there.

WongStuff said...

Yay and preferably pink/red.

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