Thursday, October 9, 2008

Finito... for now

I have just turned in my final paper for this term. I bid a fond 'adieu' to Intro to Education, and a not-fond-at-all 'GET AWAY' to Multicultural Biases in Sociology. (Real name changed to protect the guilty.) I have three days of non-school in which to make our house acceptable unto the Fire Marshall, and then Monday I get started on EDUC 1002, aka Pioneers and Philosophies of Education. Yes, I'm done with two, and only picking up one. It's a harder class though, lots of names and dates, and I was horrid with just regular Philosophy class, so we'll see. I'll have the time of two classes this term to spend on it so hopefully it'll even out.

I'm in a Walden program that runs on 12-week quarters, containing two 6-week terms. I started half way (Term 2) through Summer Quarter, so I took classes for 6 weeks then had a week off and started the current term (it's technically not done until Sunday night). I don't have a break between this term and next because they're the two terms within Fall Quarter. I do get a week off between quarters, which usefully falls over the week of Thanksgiving. Huzzah! Christmas might be tricky, but I'll be making a special effort to work ahead.

So now I'm off to focus on not thinking about school. Maybe I'll watch a movie!

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