Thursday, August 28, 2008

Official Travel Report

I was quite concerned about the trip that we took to Ohio for Kaylee's dedication. Here's how it all played out:
  • The drive to Charlotte. No big deal! Sure we got some rain, but the new car has windshield wipers that actually work, and it didn't bother us. We took off from here around 4:00, 4:15 maybe, stopped for KFC half way, and arrived at my folks' house around 7:00. We had quite a lovely evening; mom and I discussed Bible Study resources and she set aside a bunch of books for me to borrow on the return trip. We shared pictures of Kaylee and all was well with the world.
  • The drive from Charlotte to OH. Strangely enough, the trip seemed to go really quickly and yet a lot longer than expected. My father made a lovely representation for Man by failing to read the directions before beginning the drive, and we took the scenic route both at the beginning and at the end of the trip. 100+ miles on 35-50mph country roads actually turned out to be kind of interesting, if not long. But upon further map reflection, it seemed to be the best way to go. The drive went really well.
  • Rachel's family. They were fantabulous! We didn't actually see any of them until Sunday morning at the church, but we spent the day with everyone at the lake, having food and games and swimming and things. The lake was actually quite nasty, and we didn't go in it... some of the little cousins did. There was a sailing regatta going on, which was interesting. We ate good food and played cornhole and talked and, above all, passed the baby around all day. Yay! Kaylee has four older cousins on that side, that were present anyway; the family's rather... complex... and I'm still not sure that I'm sure about them all!
  • Kaylee. My brother and family walked into the hotel, and Kaylee saw me and grinned. *hee!* I held her and played with her a few times, but with so many people there, no one really got enough time. I love my baby girl, and yay! she loves me! I took a lot of pictures, some of which I've put on flickr.
  • The dedication was... interesting. It was a United Methodist church, though Rachel's mom calls it "Methocostal". It was the pastor's third Sunday preaching there, and he messed up names and prayed for my brother's safe travels to Iraq (surprise trip? CR knew nothing about it!) but he was quite jovial and realized he was screwing up, and we all felt bad for him. Rachel's sister Netta and her fiance stood up there with them as church member sponsors, and I think they're kind of like godparents to Kaylee. Everyone was dressed up nice and pretty, and the service was okay. It reminded me a lot of the service at Grace Covenant where I used to work in N.Y.
  • Leaving the cats. Yeah, they were fine. The neighbors stopped in a few times and Fay kept on heading west, and all was right in kittendom; though they were extra needy when we got home, which is normal.
  • The drive back. It was much more difficult than the drive there; we were all tired and off schedule, irritable and sad from saying goodbye. I took a lot of pictures out the window, very few of which actually turned out but it gave me something to do. Lanse shared his music. I got really on edge with my folks. The drive to Charlotte ended up being 8 hours, and Lanse and I took a pit stop and then hopped in our car and drove the final three home. It was a very, very long day.
  • Paying for it all. I'm choosing to get over it. Dad said so. *heh*
I'm glad we went. I desperately wish my brother lived closer; I want to watch Kaylee growing up! But I guess pictures will have to do until/if/when they get reassigned or are done with their service terms.

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